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Silvia Piai

Silvia Piai is Research Director for IDC Health Insights in Europe. In her role she provides strategic advice to end users and vendors operating in Healthcare and Life Sciences.

a woman with long hair

Silvia Piai

Research Director for IDC Health Insights in Europe

Silvia Piai is Research Director for IDC Health Insights in Europe.  In her role she provides strategic advice to end users and vendors operating in Healthcare and Life Sciences. In particular, she helps Healthcare and Life Sciences organizations understanding how technologies are disrupting and transforming traditional business models, accelerating the transition toward the value-based paradigm.

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Digital Age Networking

Une journée dans le futur de la santé

La qualité et l'expérience des soins reposent sur un échange d'informations sans faille. Découvrez pourquoi une stratégie connectée performante est importante pour les patients et les professionnels de santé.
